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Writing Coach Course at NZ Writers College

The Art of Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its potential as a rewarding career. But what exactly is ghostwriting? The role of a

Helen Brain, tutor at the Writers College

An Interview with Helen Brain, Award-Winning Author

Helen Brain is the award-winning author of over 60 books for children, an adult memoir and many short stories. She has tutored the hugely popular Basics of Creative Writing Course as well as the Write a Children’s Book Course at the Writers College since 2007. Find out how she works as a writer. What got […]

become a travel writer

Why Do a Travel Writing Course?

When every man and his dog thinks he’s a great travel writer, WENDY MONTROSE explains why she did a course before embarking on the road

On Writing Articles

Write Articles for Digital and Print

Writing is healing and transformational

The Healing Power of Writing

When life unravels, committing to a daily practice of writing can be tremendously healing and helpful. SUE FENTON explores the benefits of writing. Writers seem

Is My Freelance Writing Awful?

Does your passion for writing outweigh your skill? KATE TAYLOR explores what to do if you suspect your friends aren’t telling you the truth about

writing through the menopause

Writing Through Menopausal Brain Fog

Every woman aged between 40 and 60 will experience some symptoms of menopause. TJ FREDRICKSON shares her journey and some strategies that help alleviate her

On Travel Writing

Explore the World and Write

become a travel writer

Why Do a Travel Writing Course?

When every man and his dog thinks he’s a great travel writer, WENDY MONTROSE explains why she did a course before embarking on the road

On Air

Watch a Q & A with Award-winning Tutors at Our College

Our team of Writers College writers/tutors answer your questions about the creative writing industry – and about getting published!